April 23, 2009

Julio Jaramillo - Hate him

botecito-devela-julio-jaramillo_imagenGrande “Hate me, but keep in mind that you only hate what you have loved” translates the song "Ódiame" (Hate me) of Julio Jaramillo, an Ecuadorian Pasillo singer acclaimed in all of South America, but specially in his country, where he is almost a national symbol. He was only 42 years old when he died, but in this short time he recorded nearly 3500 songs and still had time to procreate 42 children.


The following song, titled “Nuestro juramento” (Our promise) talks about a promise of love that lasts beyond death. The video is from a biographical movie about Jaramillo, where his role is played by his son Julio Jaramillo Sanchez.

Nuestro Juramento

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