January 22, 2010

Yangjin Lamu - A Sacred Voice From The Heart

1377827535_e44495454c I love to find those rare artists who sing straight from their hearts. Yangjin Lamu is one of them. Born in Tibet, the melodies of her songs come to her during meditation sessions. Many of her albums were spontaneously recorded  live in the place she was at the moment, often sacred places like meditation caves in Tibet, sacred gardens or Buddhist monasteries.

After co-founding one of the largest Tibetan pharmaceutical companies in China, in an attempt to promote the endangered Tibetan culture, Yangjin felt that she had to do more, so she donated almost all of her assets to charity. A few year later, she began to hear the melodies from the deities, so she started composing spontaneously, recording 5 albums in the following years.

Dharma Flower

Be As You Are

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